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Looking for a Hair Transplant Alternative? A Hair Tattoo is a Subtle, Conservative Hair Loss Solution that Fills in the Gaps To Replace What's Been Lost. 

Ben 30's, "Going bald wasn't something I chose. It was something that happened to me. When I found out about SMP it felt like a way to work with what I've got and replace what I'd lost. I didn't know anything about Scalp Micropigmentation so I booked a consultation. Nothing bad comes from asking questions and learning more. Scott & I had a chat. No rush. No pressure. 6 months later I have my hairline back! Scott has filled in the blanks and turned back time. It's like a return to self."  


Looking For A Non Surgical Hair Transplant Alternative That Will Save You Money? Micropigmentation for hair loss is the perfect hair transplant alternative. It is non surgical, affordable, permanent and you get immediate results. Think of it as filling in the blanks.

Looking For A Hair Loss Solution That Will Suit Your Life Style? SMP is low maintenance. A buzz cut every 3-4 days to keep your existing hair short.

Worried That It Won't Look Natural? It really is just a touch up. Replacing what you've lost. You're friends & family may not even notice the difference. SMP is done over 3 sessions in which we gradually layer the tattoo and lower the hairline until you are comfortable & confident with the results. SMP looks real! It is so subtle and gradual that it really looks like you are slowly regaining your lost hair. 

How Long Will It Last? Is is Easy To Care For? How much does it Cost? A Hair Tattoo will last between 5 - 10 years with little maintenance. We offer packages to suit everyone's budget. When you compare the longevity & cost with other hair loss treatments you'll find that scalp micropigmentation is easy, cost effective and long lasting. Check out our cost calculator for a quote. 

Nervous About Transitioning? That's normal. Miriam and Scott at Replique know the tricks to transitioning. We will help you work out a game plan and support you through the process. 

Carl 40's, "Scalp Micropigmentation has completely changed my life. Having hair was part of my identity so when I lost my hair I tried everything to get it back. When nothing worked I hid under a cap. But now my confidence and my hairline are back and it feels great. My advice is don't wait. Book a consultation and just have a chat with Scott. I wish I'd done it sooner. It's changed my life for the better."

Hair tattoo Australia
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Five Star Review Hair Loss Clinic Sydney





Before you Give Up Chat With Scott.

No one chooses to go bald. It something that happens to you. But you're not powerless. You can change your hairline and change your life. It's never too early or too late to address your hair loss and turn back time. 

Replique specialises in tangible, discrete hair replication techniques. A consultation is free. There's no shame, no risk and no pressure when you book time to chat with Scott about your situation. You never know you may find the perfect solution for you. 

Chris 30's, "I was worried that a tattoo on my scalp would hurt. But it didn't. The pain barely rated a 1/10. It tickled at times or felt like an itch. I could've fallen asleep. If you're worried about the pain ask for  a patch test. It's worth it. Check out my hairline!"



Scott the founder of Replique is driven to improving the image and self esteem of his clients. To those who are struggling to take the first step he says.

'' You can't control what other people think so why let the fear of their reaction control you and rob you of real transformation. Not one client who initially wavered has said in hindsight I wish I hadn't done this. Many have said I just wish I'd done this sooner!'  

Miriam, in our Brisbane location has been doing Scalp Micropigmentation since 2016 and understands that getting a treatment like this is one of the biggest steps any client will undertake.

Miriam has a conservative and consultative approach to performing this type of hair loss solution, feel free to message us on 0439 558 835 to arrange a free consult or we can do a preliminary phone consult. 


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